We have been asked to let IFHE US members aware that Ms. Jean Shipman who was a long time member of IFHE as well as a 59 year member of AAFCS has passed away at the age of 97. You can read her obituary here
IFHE Press Release: World Home Economics Day 2018
The theme of the World Home Economics Day 2018 (WHED 2018)
“Home Economics Literacy: Skills for Healthy and Sustainable Cooking”
supports these two main aims of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
1. Reduce Non Communicable Diseases and
2. Food Safety to avoid Foodborne Illness.
With the topic of the WHED 2018 the International Federation for Home Economics
(IFHE) underlines the significance of Home Economics Education for all!
Food Safety and Healthy Diets are key aspects of Home Economics Education in the
subject “Food and Nutrition”.
Healthy Cooking to Reduce Non Communicable Diseases
The WHO Healthy diet Fact sheet N°394 points out the consequences of healthy diet
and unhealthy diet in correlation with lack of physical activity.
The WHO action plan aims to reduce the Non Communicable Diseases by 25% until 2025.
Home Economics Education enables children, adults and professionals to plan and
prepare healthy diets, which are relevant from the first day of life until the old age.
Healthy Cooking to Reduce Foodborne Illness
Eating contaminated food is an important cause of illness, disability and deaths around
the world, as revealed by the first ever WHO Estimates of the Global Burden of Foodborne
diseases published in December 2015.
Consumers play major Role in Food Safety
The WHO highlights, even though food producers have the primary responsibility to
keep the food we buy safe, consumers have an important part to play. Knowing our
food, and the associated benefits of being an empowered consumer, should be taught
from the youngest possible age. https://www.unspecial.org/2015/04/empoweredchildren-are-the-best-health-ambassadors/2/
IFHE calls for action to implement the WHO “Five Keys to Safer Food”, which
explain the basic principles that individuals all over the world should know to prevent
foodborne diseases. On WHED 2018 IFHE Members, Home Economics teachers
worldwide demonstrate that Home Economics Literacy includes skills for healthy and
sustainable cooking.
The IFHE Best Practice Tips Cooking, Refrigeration, Canning of Vegetables and
Drying of Fruits and Vegetables developed and published as posters by the IFHE
Programme Committee Household Technology & Sustainability demonstrate
guidelines for sustainable food preparation.
http://he.ifhe.org/857/ and see WHED in the section “In Focus” under
20TH MARCH 2018”
Plan your World Home Economics Day 2018 activity now!
Since March 20th, 1982 IFHE has continued to recognise March 20th each year as World Home Economics Day (WHED). The purpose of the day is to publicise and promote IFHE and the Home Economics Profession.
Since 2002 a specific theme has been identified for World Home Economics Day. This occasion is a brilliant opportunity for each member, member organisation or professional Home Economist to hold an event or special activity.
In the last years World Home Economics Daygained more and more attention worldwide. To highlight the theme IFHE publishes a Press Release in September each year. Based on this background information Home Economics Professionals prepare the celebrations of World Home Economics Day in the different regions of the world. Additional topics of high relevance to the professionals in the countries or regions can be pointed out during the celebrations.
IFHE has received a raising number of creative activities related to the theme. We appreciate to share the reports as well as the IFHE Press Releases on the pages of the website.
World Home Economics Day 2018: “Home Economics Literacy: Skills for Healthy and Sustainable Cooking”
Plan your World Home Economics Day activity 2018 now!
2018 Membership Dues
2018-2022 VP for the Americas
Jan Scholl, Associate Professor Emerita (2017) with Penn State University, has been elective Vice President for the Americas for the IFHE Executive Committee. She will join our Member Representative for the Americas, Louse Neufeldt, in representing IFHE Affiliates in North America and the Caribbean as well as FCS/Home Economics professionals at large in South America (where there are no longer affiliate organizations.
Jan received her PhD in Home Economics Education from Iowa State University in 1986 and specialized in 4-H FCS Curriculum Extension work at Penn State University for more than 25 years until her recent retirement. As VP for the Americas, Jan will serve on the Finance & Membership Committee and attend Executive Committee meetings held by conference call throughout the year, as well as the annual leadership meetings.
Jan succeeds Gwendolyn Hustvedt ,who served as the co-opted VP for the Americas since the passing of Jenny Schroder in February, 2017.
Join us in welcoming Jan Scholl to her new role.
AAFCS 2018
Stop by the AAFCS website to register for the 2018 AAFCS Annual Conference, held this year in Atlanta, Georgia.
This is a great opportunity to preview the home of our 2020 IFHE World Congress!
Hurricane Relief for Home Economics
Hurricanes IRMA and MARIE have devastated many parts of the Caribbean where there are few resources to devote to recovery of Home Economics programs. Our Caribbean Association of Home Economists (CAHE) colleagues and FCS/Home Economics programs on affected islands need our help in recovering and maintaining their life preparation Home Economics programs. Requests for assistance are already coming in to CAHE and DAP.
For instance, Barbuda is uninhabitable for the foreseeable future so Antigua has all students from schools in Barbuda in their programs with no additional resources plus Antigua had damage themselves from MARIE.
Please click here for downlaod the “Call to Action”
Please click here for download an Update – “Call to Action” – October 2017
Submitted by: Juanita MENDENHALL, Chair Council Committee Distaster Assistance Partnerships in Developing Countries (DAP)
2017 World Food Day
6th October 2017
“Change the Future of Migration – Invest in Food Security and rural Development”
IFHE committed for the World Food Day, October 16th 2017
Poverty and Hunger are the main drivers for rural migration. Investing in sustainable rural development, climate change adaptation and resilient rural livelihoods is an important part of the global response to the current migration challenge as the FAO states.
Please click here for download the Press Release