IFHE US Releases statement on Diversity

IFHE-US Equity and Diversity Statement

IFHE-US values diversity, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and accessibility. We promote respect, dignity, and equality for all global individuals and families. We are committed to human well-being through education, health, safety, and sustainable living. As we act with integrity, respect, intercultural values, and ethics, we empower and improve daily life for all.

IFHE Young Professional’s Network

The IFHE Young Professionals Network (YPN) is a group of dynamic enthusiastic globally aware members of the IFHE who feel empowered and proud to actively promote Home Economics. YPN is a voice for young Home Economics professionals across the world. We actively represent Home Economics at local, regional and international levels. Our understanding of young embraces the ideas of being young in age, young in the profession, young in the organisation or young in mind.

The objectives of YPN are to 

*establish and facilitate the exchange of ideas and information,

*provide young professionals with an international network in the global field of Home Economics

*create awareness of the importance of Home Economics

*provide information and resources for Home Economics studies, jobs, research, funding and opportunities

*communicate globally

*represent young Home Economists at local, regional and international levels.

If you would like to join the YPN list serve for IFHE-US. Please contact Carmen Pedersen at carmen.n.pedersen@gmail.com.

Passing of a lifelong dedicated member

It is with my deepest sympathy that I let you know of Sharon McManus’ passing on February 17, 2020. Sharon was a friend, a colleague, and a dedicated member of IFHE-US.

Sharon’s online obituary is at: http://

There you will find service information and photos, as well as have the opportunity to leave a message to the family in the guestbook and upload a photo to the photo album.
View the Online Obituary
When viewing obituaries at the LANGELAND STERENBERG YNTEMA website you can sign her guestbook, upload photos and post memorable stories.

We will be making plans for a tribute to Sharon at the AAFCS Annual Conference in Baltimore, June 25-27, 2020.

Sharon will be missed by all.

Exciting speakers added to World Congress

The IFHE-US Executive Committee and World Congress (WC) Co-Chairs have been hard at work and are happy to share with you the Keynote- Plenary speakers that are confirmed!

Dr. Lynette Schultz, University of Alberta–Global Citizenship

Dr. Hale Ann Tufan, Cornell University–Socio-cultural/Gender insights for working with farmers

Dr. Seema Puri University of Delhi–Health Status Across the Life Course

It is going to be a wonderful experience coming up in Atlanta, GA August 2nd- 8th. Make plans now to attend!

UN Report for September

Thanks to Anita Ferron for providing information regarding the happenings of the UN. What a great opportunity to learn about activities occurring internationally.

August 26 -28, 2019   The 68th United Nations Conference of the Civil Society held in Salt Lake City.

“Building Inclusive and Sustainable Cities and Communities”  Over 3,000 participants and the youth were very vocal and engaged about Climate change & support.  On September youth took on #climate strike around the world.

September 17, 2019  The 74 Session of the General Assembly Plenary &related meetings was began in NYC.  The (Third Committee) is about Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural Issues these are the issues I try to attend. The general assembly is chaired by H.E. Christian Braun of Luxemburg.  Their meetings and events ran through September 27.2019. In October 2019, the Committee will hear and interact with special reporters, independent experts, and chairs of working groups as mandated by the Human Rights Council.

The following can be viewed on UN Web TV

September 21 -23 UN Climate Summit

September 23 Universal Health Coverage

September 24 74th General Debate, High Level Political forum on Sustainable Development

September 25 3th anniversary Commutative Event of Rights of the Child

September 26 Elimination of Nuclear Weapons and a financial dialog

September 27 Small Island Developing States meeting

Although I have not attended events at the UN since our June meeting. I plan on attending the following in October

October 3, 2019 I will attend an afternoon meeting at the UN Department of Global Communities and Civil Society.  This meeting will be a briefing on the preparation for the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice around the world.

The UN has designated actual day of observance for International Day of Older persons is October 1, 2019, but the Un will have a general assembly on October 10, “The Journey to age equality” that I will attend. Currently, there are 700 million people over the age of 60 and in 2030 they expect that number to reach 1.4 billion so this is an area that needs to be addressed.