IFHE-US Development Fund Annoucment

Every four years, the IFHE Development Fund offers competitive grants to Home Economists in developing countries. These grants have been created to improve or extend programs that enhance the quality of life of individuals, families, and communities.
Project proposals should address an important need among a target population that at the same time, extends or strengthens the capacity of Home Economists or Home Economics organizations. Target population must be from a developing country. Only IFHE members, organizations or partners may apply. Proposals are being solicited and are due February 20, 2020.
Grants will be awarded at the XXIV World Congress in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. All IFHE members are invited to share this information with colleagues and organizations working abroad, so that worthy projects in developing countries can be funded. A full description of the Development Fund and the Grant Application process is available on two websites: www.ifhe.org and www.ifheus.org.
Grants range from $1,000 to $5,000 USD. During the past four-year cycle, four projects were awarded. Applications are due no later than February 20, 2020. Applications are to be submitted via e-mail to the address at the end of the application form.
The winners will be announced at the XXIV World Congress 2020, Atlanta, Georgia USA, August 2nd-8th.
IFHE Development Fund Chair Dr. Roxie V. Godfrey
IFHE-US President revgodfrey13@gmail.com
To Print the application,please download below.
IHES Offers Scholarships to World Congress 2020

International Home Economics Services Offers Eight Scholarships to Attend the XXIV IFHE World Congress 2020
The International Home Economics Services (IHES) invites home economics professionals from developing countries to apply for financial assistance with expenses to attend the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) World Congress in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 2-8, 2020.
The Congress theme is “Home Economics: Soaring Toward Sustainable Development.” Applications are welcome from any IFHE member (There is still time to join IFHE by going on line to ifhe.org). A priority for the IHES scholarship is to promote engagement by emerging professionals, thus
- International graduate students who are studying in a home economics-related program in the United States or Canada are especially encouraged to apply, with priority given to those from countries in Africa, South and Central America, and Puerto Rico.
- Preference will be given to members of IFHE who have not yet attended an IFHE Congress.
Eight (8) IHES scholarships will be given. Each scholarship will provide $1700 USD. Applications need to show that the applicant has resources for the remainder of the Congress expenses.
Applications are due no later than September 15, 2019. Applications are to be submitted via e-mail to the address at the end of the application form. The IHES scholarship selection committee will review the applications and select the recipients. Notification of awards will be sent no later than November 1, 2019.
Please help IHES distribute this information to individuals who may need financial assistance to attend the XXIV IFHE World Congress 2020 and who will use the experience to enrich home economics in their country and internationally.
Contact person for IHES Scholarship information:
Mary Warnock, IHES President
Gearing up for AAFCS St. Louis, Cultural Evening Information
The 2020 Congress Planning Meeting will be Monday, June 24 from 5 to 7 pm and there are committees which are going to need members to help with their assignments in Atlanta. Please come and find out more about how you can help with Congress.
The IFHE-US Business Meeting will be Tuesday from 5 to 7 PM and all members should attend to stay updated on the organization.
To start the week off, the annual Development Fund Cultural Event will be Sunday June 23 at 7 pm. A flyer with details is attached. There is a limit of 75 due to the room where it is being held; so if you plan to attend, send your reservation and check payment to the address on the flyer.
Finally, the AAFCS Conference Welcome Reception Sunday from 4:30 to 6 pm will have an international theme using a “Passport” as you attend various educational and fun stations during the reception. IFHE-US is assisting with this event as a way to publicize 2020 Congress and we need your assistance with manning the activity stations. If you are available during Sunday afternoon to help with set-up and/or spending some part of your time at an activity station between 4:30 and 6, email Roxie Godfrey with when you would be available Sunday afternoon (revgodfrey13@gmail.com)
IFHE March Newsletter
Cultural Evening at AAFCS in St. Louis- Register Now

Ready for a wonderful Cultural Evening at AAFCS? It’s coming up soon and it’s time to register!
2020 Congress Travel Grant Donations
Thanks to those who have already donated to the 2020 Congress Travel Grants fund. These funds are used to support the travel costs of IFHE members from developing countries to attend Congress in Atlanta in August 2020.
While the 45 budgeted travel grants will be for $1000, donations can be made for any amount and donations will be pooled together to make a $1000 grant. Donations are requested by June 30, 2019 so potential attendees can request and be awarded the grant by the end of 2019. Early Bird Registration for Congress will open in April 2020.
Details on donations are found on this attached Invitation to Donate. Contact Janine Duncan or Bev Card (emails on flyer) for any questions.
Registration for AAFCS Annual Conference and Meeting in St. Louis: Register by April 15th to save

It is time to register for the Annual Conference and Meeting in St. Louis. Registration information can be found here. The event will be June 23rd- 26th with an amazing amount of opportunities for networking, professional development, and education.
IFHE E-Journal International Journal of Home Economics (IJHE) – Volume 11 Issue 2 2018!

The newest volume of the IFHE E-Journal is now available. Keep up to date on the newest research in the field. View articles here
Be on the lookout: 2019 Cultural Evening at AAFCS

Please be looking for more information coming soon about the 2019 Cultural Evening that will be held this year at the AAFCS Conference in St. Louis. It is always a wonderful time to learn and network. More details coming soon.