Exciting speakers added to World Congress

The IFHE-US Executive Committee and World Congress (WC) Co-Chairs have been hard at work and are happy to share with you the Keynote- Plenary speakers that are confirmed!

Dr. Lynette Schultz, University of Alberta–Global Citizenship

Dr. Hale Ann Tufan, Cornell University–Socio-cultural/Gender insights for working with farmers

Dr. Seema Puri University of Delhi–Health Status Across the Life Course

It is going to be a wonderful experience coming up in Atlanta, GA August 2nd- 8th. Make plans now to attend!

UN Report for September

Thanks to Anita Ferron for providing information regarding the happenings of the UN. What a great opportunity to learn about activities occurring internationally.

August 26 -28, 2019   The 68th United Nations Conference of the Civil Society held in Salt Lake City.

“Building Inclusive and Sustainable Cities and Communities”  Over 3,000 participants and the youth were very vocal and engaged about Climate change & support.  On September youth took on #climate strike around the world.

September 17, 2019  The 74 Session of the General Assembly Plenary &related meetings was began in NYC.  The (Third Committee) is about Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural Issues these are the issues I try to attend. The general assembly is chaired by H.E. Christian Braun of Luxemburg.  Their meetings and events ran through September 27.2019. In October 2019, the Committee will hear and interact with special reporters, independent experts, and chairs of working groups as mandated by the Human Rights Council.

The following can be viewed on UN Web TV

September 21 -23 UN Climate Summit

September 23 Universal Health Coverage

September 24 74th General Debate, High Level Political forum on Sustainable Development

September 25 3th anniversary Commutative Event of Rights of the Child

September 26 Elimination of Nuclear Weapons and a financial dialog

September 27 Small Island Developing States meeting

Although I have not attended events at the UN since our June meeting. I plan on attending the following in October

October 3, 2019 I will attend an afternoon meeting at the UN Department of Global Communities and Civil Society.  This meeting will be a briefing on the preparation for the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice around the world.

The UN has designated actual day of observance for International Day of Older persons is October 1, 2019, but the Un will have a general assembly on October 10, “The Journey to age equality” that I will attend. Currently, there are 700 million people over the age of 60 and in 2030 they expect that number to reach 1.4 billion so this is an area that needs to be addressed.

Abstract Deadline EXTENDED!

IFHE World Congress 2020

Abstract and Travel Grant Submissions

Extended Until September 15, 2019

It’s not too late to submit an abstract(s) for oral, poster, symposium, or workshop presentations!  Share your new research and/or best practices with your international colleagues.  Apply for a travel grant (up to $1,000) to support your participation in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.  All information, including the Call for Abstract Announcement and Travel Grant Announcement can be found on the Congress website. Follow the links to submit your abstract(s) and travel grant application.

There are 90 abstracts in the system that have not been submitted.  Your abstract submission isn’t complete until you click the final submit button and receive a confirmation number.  You will also receive a confirmation email that contains the number.  To be sure everyone has time to complete the submission process, the deadline has been extended until September 15, 2019.  After this date, there will be no more extensions.

Two reminders:

  1. To apply, you must create an account on the Congress website.  It is not connected to the IFHE website.
  2. If you have forgotten your Congress website password, go to Reset Abstract Password Here; in the upper right corner select “Log In;” you will be prompted to change your password.  Wait five minutes for an email.  The link is only good for one hour.

IFHE-US is looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

Submit your abstracts for World Congress 2020

Dear IFHE members and friends, 

We would kindly like to remind you that the deadline for submitting abstracts for the XIV IFHE World Congress 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA is approaching. You are invited to submit your abstracts until 31 August 2019 after which a panel will review them and inform you about the acceptance.

To submit an abstract, please use the online tool at the


website. See more details on criteria and the Congress theme “Home Economics: Soaring Towards Sustainable Development” in the attached document.  

We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts.

The XVI IFHE World Congress Organizing Committee

Last Chance to sign up for Cultural Evening at AAFCS


If you are planning to attend the AAFCS Annual Conference and Expo in St. Louis, don’t miss out on the IFHE-US Cultural Evening, June 23 from 7-9 p.m. at the Hampton Inn – Gateway Arch (a short walk from the Hyatt).  Experience genuine Syrian food and hear the story of a Syrian refugee who has started a catering business with the help of Welcome Neighbors STL.  Welcome Neighbors STL organizes Supper Clubs where refugees can prepare and share their native foods as a way to raise funds for refugee families.  Mawda Altayan started with the Supper Clubs and has now opened her own catering business, DamascusFoodSTL.  Hear her story and taste her delicious food!  The menu will include (all but the chicken are vegetarian):

Hummus with pita bread
Baba Ganoush (grilled eggplant with fresh vegetables such as parsley, green peppers, tomatoes and pomegranate molasses and tahini served with pita bread)
Chicken shawarma sandwiches (chicken, garlic cream, pickles, wrapped in pita bread)
Yalangi (grape leaves stuffed with rice and vegetables)

Pre-registration by June 17 is required using the attached registration form.  This event is open to all, so invite your non-IFHE member friends to join you.  This is an event you won’t want to miss!

Joyce Cavanagh, Ph.D., CPFFE


Helpers needed for AAFCS St. Louis

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GHGVMJN   (Survey on Survey Monkey)

Hi Everyone,
The AAFCS Conference St. Louis, June 23-26 is right around the corner.
AAFCS and IFHE-US will be hosting the Welcome Reception “Gateway to the World.”
We need you to make this reception a success!

Welcome Reception Plans
Volunteer Opportunities
Pre-Conference:   These will be done prior to AAFCS Conference if you are not attending.  
     1) Design the “passport”
     2) Create cards for memory game
     3) Procure International money–will be returned
     4) Select phrases common to all travelers
     5) Collect pictures of International clothing

AAFCS Conference
Sunday, June 23
Setup: 1:00-4:30 pm. No heavy items involved. Setting up room with displays, tables and chairs. Hotel is responsible for setting up food tables.

4:30-6:00 pm–  Time will be split into 45 minute work periods.   
Attendees pick up passports and participate in activities. Passports are stamped. At the end, attendees drop off passports for drawing ticket for substantial prizes. Light appetizers will be served, hotel responsible for food.

Volunteers needed for activity stations.
     1) Match FCS content phrase to phrase in another language
     2) Match traditional dress (images to the country)
     3) Match currency to country
     4) Memory game for International foods
Passports are stamped after attendee has participated in the activity.

6:00 pm-6:30 pm–Clean-up  (Note – if you are attending the Cultural Event at 7 pm, we’ll make sure you are done in time to walk or ride the 4 or 5  blocks from Hyatt to the Cultural Event. )

Please complete the survey ASAP  (link given at start of this message)  so we will know where you have graciously volunteered and can put a schedule together and let you know when or how you are needed.  If you have any problems connecting to the survey link – contact Luann Boyer at luann.boyer@colostate.edu

We want to thank you ahead of time for representing IFHE-US during the Welcome Reception.
If you have any questions, please text or send me an email.

Thank you and see you soon,,
Roxie V Godfrey Ed.D.
IFHE-US President