IFHE warns against feminization of digital divide

The priority theme of the 59 th session of the United Nations Commission of Social Development is

“The role of digital technologies on social development and wellbeing of all”.

IFHE used its consultative status with the UN to submit a written statement and call on member states to focus on participation of women in digitalization.
Read the full IFHE statement at the UN website (https://www.un.org/development/desa/dspd/united-nations-commission-for-social-development-csocd-social-policy-and-development-division/csocd59.html) or at www.ifhe.org.

Start the New Year off with an IFHE US Update- Jan 16, 2021

Save the date, Saturday, January 16, 2021 noon CST.

Start the new year with an IFHE-US Update.

Join the IFHE-US Board of Directors in an event to update those interested on what is happening with the organization IFHE-US and IFHE-International.  Dr. Gwendolyn Hustvedt, IFHE-International president will share information about IFHE International, and Dr. Sue Buck, IFHE-US will share information about IFHE-US.  Short reports will be made by the IFHE UN Representative, the World Congress 2022 co-chairs, the Director of IFHE-US Young Professionals Network and the IFHE-US Communication Director.  Grab your lunch or breakfast depending on your time zone and join this informative session. 

The event will be held via Zoom.  Send an e-mail to Kim Kamin,  kimkamin2018@gmail.com to receive the link.  The link will be sent a week before the event. 

Kick Off Webinar- November 27th: Successful aging

Dear members,

Don’t miss out on our free KICK-OFF WEBINAR “Successful ageing: Challenges for home economists” with IFHE member Seema PURI, Associate Professor at the Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi, and expert on Social Gerontology:

Join us online on Friday 27 November 2020 at 7:30 Delhi/India time

With kind regards,
IFHE Office Bonn, Germany


Household Technology Webinar

Dear IFHE members

Thanks to the initiative of a very active IFHE Programme Committee, we can warmly invite you to attend a webinar on technology & sustainability. Members of the committee share their research on solar cookers, water management, food hygiene & environmental stability. Each topic is presented for 15 minutes, followed by a short discussion. The event is moderated by Pamela TURNER, Chair of the Committee Household Technology & Sustainability.

28 OCTOBER 9-10:30 am (Atlanta, USA)


United Nations Report- October 2020

News article for IFHE      October 1, 2020

Anita Ferron

What is happening at the United Nations in New York City this autumn:

9/21/20                 The United Nations commemorated the 75th anniversary of the member states coming together after World War II.

Today, the United Nations is dealing with a very different kind of pandemic with a need to come together again on many different critical issues.

9/29/20                International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction.  About one-third of the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally.  When talking about fruits and vegetables, about 45 percent of the produce is wasted. 

10/16/20              World Food Day. Over 150 countries participate each year. This will be an online event which the organizers expect the same amount of participation.

9/24 -9/26/20    Nature for Life. This event dealt with nature, climate change, and population.  Speakers answered questions trying to find solutions to how people and nature live in harmony without harming the resources the world has left.  Each day was a different focus: Sustainable Development Goals Day recognizing the value of nature, Business and Finance Day, Global Ambition Day, and Local Action Day.

10/1 /20               United Nations high level meeting on Gender Equality

10/2/20                United Nations high level meeting of the International Day for Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

Young Professional Network Webinar: October 22nd

Young Professional Network Webinar- Sign up On October 22, 2020 at 4:00 pm Eastern time, Dr. Amanda McCloat, Director of the IFHE Young Professionals Network (YPN), will hold a webinar discussing the YPN, its benefits, and the importance of young professionals’ involvement.

Dr. McCloat is the Head of the Home Economics Department at St. Angela’s College and will speak to interested Family & Consumer Sciences professionals from Sligo, Ireland. This will be a great time for you to learn more about the benefits of being involved in IFHE, and we would love to have additional participants in the YPN.

Students, new professionals, and the young at heart are all invited to attend. Please RSVP to Carmen Pedersen, GAFCS Counselor at carmen.n.pedersen@gmail.com by October 16 to receive a link and future updates about the webinar.