Sign up if you would like to volunteer at World Congress. This form allows you to tell us where you would like to volunteer.

Sign up if you would like to volunteer at World Congress. This form allows you to tell us where you would like to volunteer.
We are so excited about the upcoming Cultural Event. Here is a great treat for you to make to snack on during the event.
French Almond Lace Cookie
1 cup old fashioned oats “uncooked”
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons flour
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon baking powder
1 egg lightly beaten
½ cup unsalted butter “melted”
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup sliced almonds
Preheat oven to 350*
In a large bowl combine oats, sugar, flour, salt, and baking powder, make a well
In a separate bowl combine melted butter, egg, and vanilla add to the dry ingredients
Add the almonds mix well
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper drop a level teaspoon of dough 3” apart flatten slightly. Bake until golden brown about 9 -11 minutes
Let cookies cool completely the peel from the parchment paper.
Shared with us by Ms. Anita Ferron
The juried exhibition review contains submissions made to postponed World Congress 2020 and refers to themes gender equality, responsible consumption & production, clean water & sanitation, and good health & well being.
Feel free to download from the IFHE website:
The annual IFHE-US Sharon McManus Cultural Event in support of the IFHE Development Fund will be virtual again in 2021 via Zoom. The Development Fund is an endowed fund to provide opportunities for resolving the impact of global issues upon families; to form partnerships with organizations with mutual concerns; to collaborate on studies and research; and accumulate resources for intensifying educational efforts. International grants are provided for these purposes. Currently grants are in India and Pakistan.
The Cultural Event is named in honor of Sharon McManus, a long time IFHE member and Director of IFHE Development, who coordinated the Cultural Events for 15 years. We will be recognizing her contributions to IFHE and IFHE-US during the program.
DATE: Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time
PROGRAM FOCUS: Expanding on the IFHE International Theme of Age-friendly Homes and Communities, the program will focus specifically on Family Challenges and Resources for Caregivers.
INTERNATIONAL PANEL: Canadian Panelists, Dr. Janet Fast, University of Alberta and Dr. Nora Spinks, CEO of Vanier Institute for the Family; Caribbean Panelist, Dr. Audrey Porter DaCosta, University of Technology of Jamaica; and U.S. Panelist, Dr. Karen Goebel, Emeritus Professor, University of Wisconsin.
WHO IS INVITED: In addition to our IFHE-US members and friends, we are also inviting our Canadian and Caribbean colleagues to join us.
HOW TO REGISTER: To register for this virtual Zoom program, please send your name and email address to Mary Kaye Merwin, IFHE-US Director of Development, at
DONATIONS ACCEPTED: There is no registration fee for this event, however, contributions will be accepted to the IFHE-US Development Fund in whatever amount you wish. Normally, when we have been able to meet in person, we have had a $50 registration fee with $25 going toward food and room and $25 as a contribution to the fund. Attached is a form for donations.
IDEAS FOR REFRESHMENTS: To continue the event’s tradition of fellowship around cultural foods, we invite you to pour a glass of wine or punch and an appropriate snack. Our Caribbean partners have provided the following link to their IFHE Cookbook with many great ideas. Download it at:
NAME: _______________________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________
AMOUNT: ______________________________________________________________
Luann Boyer
IFHE-US Director, Finance
22500 Road 21
Ft. Morgan, CO 80701
PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON OUR IFHE-US WEBSITE. The donation portion of our website is presently under maintenance, but should be up in mid-May. Instructions on how to use this option will be forwarded to all who register. The website is:
The IFHE Anual Report 2020 is ready, hot off the press. Enjoy the new design, see how members worldwide have been keeping up their commitment to improving everyday living & get a sense of the spirit that carried us through this very demanding year:
Please feel free to share the Report, it is a convoncing example why home economics matters and needs the global voice IFHE is giving to it.
It is time to prepare your abstract for IFHE World Congress 2022: How the work of Home Economics relates to sustainability around the world. Submissions will be accepted June 1 – August 31, 2021.
Please visit the Congress website for details:
We look forward to your contributions!
Toronto Home Economics Association (THEA) is inviting us to celebrate World Home Economics Day with them.
Please see below and the attached poster.
Thanks so much for the invitation from Ruth Macdonald.
March-4-THEA-Flyer-Age-Friendly-CommunitiesTo celebrate IFHE World Home Economics Day 2021 theme and World Health Organization Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020-2030, Toronto Home Economics Association presents Age Friendly Communities, a virtual presentation by Heather Thompson, Director of Age-Friendly Initiatives with Community Development Halton.
Celebrate 2021 World Home Economics Day-Age Friendly Homes and Communities.
Join the IFHE-US Board of Directors in an event to celebrate World Home Economics Day. Dr. Virginia Vincenti, Professor Emeritus of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wyoming, will share Resources on Elder Abuse and Elder Financial Exploitation. Followed by question-and-answer session. Short reports will be made about in innovative program at the University of Connecticut that focuses on students addressing aging in communities and an update by the World Congress 2022 co-chairs. Grab your lunch or breakfast depending on your time zone and join this informative session.
The event will be held via Zoom. The event should last about 1.5 hours. Send an e-mail to Kim Kamin, to receive the link. The link will be sent a week before the event. PDU’s will be applied for.