2022 United Nations International Day of Families
2022 United Nations International Day of Families is on May 15, 2022.
The 2022 theme is “Families and Urbanization” to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable and family-friendly urban policies.
UNDESA will organize a virtual/online panel discussion that will include presentations from academics, civil society and urban authorities on Friday, 13 May, 10:00-11:15 AM (Eastern).
Learn more at https://www.un.org/development/desa/family/international-day-of-families/2022-2.html
McManus Development Fund Event: June 24th @ AAFCS
DoubleTree Hotel – SeaWorld
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Check AAFCS Program for Room Assignment.
Registration for this in-person event is $50 – with $40 as a tax deductible contribution.
Special Student Registration Rate – $10
Light refreshments will be served during the event.
The contribution portion of your registration will be used to support the IFHE-US Disaster Assistance Partnership (DAP) to assist with establishing a Home Economics Program at Aishalton Secondary School in Guyana, South America.
The program for the Cultural Evening will share the development and progress of the Aishalton School Home Economics Program. Dr. Audrey Jones-Drayton, IFHE member from Barbados has worked closely with the project and will coordinate the presentation. We will also have the Aishalton Home Economics teacher, Miss Vickey Smith, join us. You’ll learn what has happened and what the current needs are to support and advance the program.
E-mail your registration by June 13, 2022 to marykmerwin@gmail.com so that we can plan for adequate refreshments and handouts.
Checks payable to IFHE-US Development Fund
Mail to: IFHE-US
Luann Boyer, Director Finance
22500 Road 21
Ft. Morgan, Co 80701
Credit Card at www.ifheus.org and select Sharon McManus Cultural Event
If you will not be able to attend the AAFCS Conference in Orlando, FL, you can still participate in this event. It will be provided by Zoom at a later date. Please register to receive the Zoom link of the event by sending your name and e-mail address to marykmerwin@gmail.com. We hope that you will be able to make a tax deductible contribution that will be used by DAP Fund for the Guyana project.
Guyana Project Information
Register for IFHE World Congress
Postponed XXIV IFHE World Congress – Coming to Atlanta in September 2022

Register now for the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) World Congress 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia, September 6-10, 2022. This Congress only occurs every four years, and has not been in the United States since 1988. Early bird registration with lower fees closes on May 10.
The Congress theme is Soaring Toward Sustainable Development. Consider all the ways you foster a global perspective as you prepare children, youth, families and communities for sustainable futures. Gather on an international stage to share expertise, explore ideas and network with colleagues from around the globe.
The in-person experience will include opening and closing cultural evenings, plenary sessions, workshops and symposiums, the EXPO (posters, textiles & design and exhibitors), Learning Day on the Move (educational tours), and nine concurrent sessions. There will be a Congress APP which will include the Congress schedule, 48 of the concurrent sessions and prerecorded presentations from authors unable to attend.
For working educators, there is a Virtual Educator’s Pre Congress – Globalizing the FCS Classroom and Integrating Sustainability Perspectives – Saturday, August 27, featuring Donna Pendergast, Griffith University, Australia. This workshop is designed to inspire educators to incorporate globalization and sustainability in their courses and develop strategies to use as a platform for strengthening their programs and the profession.
If you cannot attend in-person, you can participate in most activities through the Congress APP. All registered attendees will have access to the APP until December 10, 2022. To learn more about the World Congress 2022, go to www.ifhe.org or contact the Congress Co-Chairs Bev Card (bmwcard@gmail.coml) or Janine Duncan (duncanjm@ksu.edu). Discounted registration is available for members and students; find IFHE-US Membership information at www.ifheus.org
Registration for World Congress is open
December 2021 IFHE Newsletter
Abstract Submissions for World Congress Extended
We are pleased to inform you that the submission deadline has been extended to October 1, 2021, for all abstracts (research, best practice, exhibition, and meetings). We are mindful of the continuing effects of the COVID 19 pandemic. We respect the concerns shared with IFHE leaders around the world, concerning the status of vaccinations and international travel.
At this time, there are already 140 abstracts submitted! All colleagues are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts for review, no matter your presumed travel status. As the United States prepares for the Congress, we continue to monitor the situation and are exploring strategies to meet the needs of accepted presenters who might be prohibited from traveling by country or institutional mandate.
More information on how to submit can be found here.
Announcing a new DAP Project
World Population Day: July 11th
Putting the brakes on COVID-19:
Home economics education is vital to counteract the pandemic’s negative impact, especially on women.
More in our news release on the occasion of World Population Day (11 July): https://www.ifhe.org/united-nations/sustainable-development-goals