It is with my deepest sympathy that I let you know of Sharon McManus’ passing on February 17, 2020. Sharon was a friend, a colleague, and a dedicated member of IFHE-US.
There you will find service information and photos, as well as have the opportunity to leave a message to the family in the guestbook and upload a photo to the photo album. View the Online Obituary When viewing obituaries at the LANGELAND STERENBERG YNTEMA website you can sign her guestbook, upload photos and post memorable stories.
We will be making plans for a tribute to Sharon at the AAFCS Annual Conference in Baltimore, June 25-27, 2020.
Your IFHE-US colleagues are excited to welcome you to the United States. The Congress will feature many traditional activities and some new ones, which include:
First Timers Event – orientation for newcomers
University Reunions – network with others from same US school
Learning Day on the Move – combines traditional educational and technical excursions with home visits
Professional Insights Into Sustainable Development Through Home Economics Programs – for university students and professionals
Youth Insights Into Sustainable Development Through Home Economics Program – for secondary students
Special considerations:
Package A includes Social Program; Package B is registration only; Package B additions adds selected parts of the Social Program
One day registration available
Learning Day on the Move – registration includes 1st $50 of cost
Ready for your review are:
First Announcement which includes Hotel Information
Second Announcement which includes registration and Learning Day on the Move descriptions
Call for Abstracts
Congress Budget Worksheet
Tentative Program-at-a-Glance
Visa information to enter the United States and Letter of Invitation
IFHE US is planning a wonderful Cultural Evening to take place during AAFCS in Baltimore. More information will be coming soon, but as always, it will be a not to be missed event.